Rhode Island T. F. Green International Airport Master Plan

The Master Plan for Rhode Island T. F. Green International Airport (PVD) establishes a 20-year development vision for the airport as well as a recommended course of action that details how the airport can continue to meet aviation and infrastructure needs for the future.

YearCategoryDocument NameDownload Item
2021Airport Layout PlanExisting Airport LayoutDownload
2021Airport Layout PlanApproved Airport Layout PlanDownload
2021Airport Layout PlanExisting Data SheetDownload
2021Master PlanSection 1: Intro and Section 2: InventoryDownload
2021Master PlanSection 3: EnvironmentalDownload
2021Master PlanSection 4: ForecastDownload
2021Master PlanSection 5: Aviation Demand/Capacity Analsis and Facility RequirementsDownload
2021Master PlanSection 6: Alternatives AnalysisDownload
2021Master PlanSection 7: Implementation PlanDownload
2021Master PlanSection 8: Financial PlanDownload
2021Master PlanSection 9: Airport Layout PlanDownload