Local officials and public are welcome to attend a virtual information session on project updates for state GA airports

WARWICK, RI – January 9, 2023 – The Rhode Island Airport Corporation (RIAC) will hold the next virtual public information session for Rhode Island’s General Aviation (GA) airport communities on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. for local officials and members of the public. The session will be held via Zoom. A link will be posted on the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s website and at https://flyri.com on the day of the meeting.

The session will be held via Zoom via the following link:

https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88176146393?pwd=bU9acWxjaWtTdSsxcU1vUm1JOHJFZz09 Passcode: 654964

A link for public participants will also be posted on the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s website and at https://flyri.com on the day of the meeting.

The virtual briefing affords RIAC with the opportunity to provide development updates on state airports to the community, including those towns hosting or abutting Rhode Island’s five GA airports: Block Island, Newport, North Central, Quonset and Westerly State Airports. The meetings are held as a public service and not a meeting of a public body pursuant to RIGL §42-46. The periodic meetings also provide an opportunity for the public, as well as local officials, to engage with RIAC regarding state airports in their community.

About the Rhode Island Airport Corporation: The Rhode Island Airport Corporation (RIAC) was formed on December 9, 1992 as a semi-autonomous subsidiary of the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation to operate and maintain the state’s airport system. The powers of the corporation are vested in its seven-member board of directors, all of whom are appointed by the governor. RIAC is responsible for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the six state-owned airports; and the supervision of all civil airports, landing areas, navigation facilities, aviation schools and flying clubs. In addition to Rhode Island T. F. Green International Airport, RIAC is responsible for five general aviation airports throughout the state: Block Island, Newport, North Central, Quonset and Westerly. For more information visit RIAC at https://www.flyri.com.

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